Abit Yasar Koçak

Handbook of Arabic Dictionaries
Abit Yasar Koçak
Verlag Hans Schiler
Sprache: Englisch
1. Auflage (2002)
Broschur, 60 Seiten
ISBN 9783899300215
Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar
9.90 €
In den Einkaufswagen
This book is a brief guide to Arabic dictionaries. It aims on assisting learners of Arabic to cope with the difficulties that encounter with the various dictionary movements over centuries. The dictionary movement mainly developed over three centuries between the end of the II. Century of the Hegira and the end of the IV. Century, in accordance with their respective leaders and their works: Madrasah al-Taklîbât, a school established by al-Khalîl

- (GNB)964922134
- (DE-101)964922134
- (ISBN10)3899300211
- (OColc)248498336
- (aut->dnb)
- iso639-2/eng